

and resolutions to ride out whatever reality throws at me
whatever perturbations create sublime spline curves in the sickening nature of perception
if it doesn't sound profound, you aren't here right now.

I need a new paradigm. A new place. That will change everything. I can tell.

Ah ah. Soulseek seeks on. Digital music. Infected with sublimity. Brain patterns never tasted this good. Is this hedonism? It's fantastic at this moment. Beautiful. Is beauty chemical? Haven't I exhausted this theme? Can I milk another song out of the fucker? Would anyone want to? What to do, when pink has turned to blue?

Maybe it's time for me to get wrecked again. I lost the algorithm. The key to society. Maybe I should freak out and be a freak. Fuck it.

The stoic freakdom of fuckedered up fringe flange functioning. Haha. I like the sound of that. Is it pro or anti hedonsim? Pro, I'd say, if that means anything.

1 comment:

Hector the Crow said...

The goddamn THC is overriding the apathy. So I need an activity. Even in valeirian induced stupidity. Don't ask me. It's all abritrary, just gotta riff on the shakes, what else can ye do? Is my heartrate up?

The Twin Gears of Cringe and Cling

Donating. Actually doing something - an interaction - over the web - financial transaction, christmas shopping, or sort of gesturing to chri...